Each of our eight Wheel of the Year signature seasonal incenses is formulated with all-natural essential oils honoring the eight seasonal turning points that make up the Wheel of the Year: Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule.
Together, they provide the perfect tool for living more in tune with the seasons through a complete calendar year. Each signature incense lets you celebrate the bounty and beauty of each new season, or harken back to seasons past whenever you please.
What's included in the Wheel of the Year set?
The gift set includes 8 boxes, with 20 sticks of all-natural, synthetic-free essential oil incense in each box. The paper boxes are recyclable and may include a compostable sleeve to help keep the incense at its freshest.
- Imbolc - a cleansing blend of cedarwood, sandalwood, lemon & holy basil
- Ostara - a happy spring blend of camphor, rose geranium, herbs & spices
- Beltane - a rejuvenating blend of jasmine, ylang ylang, peppermint & orange
- Litha - a rapturous midsummer blend of vetiver, nutmeg, cedar & spices
- Lammas - a lovingly uplifting blend of sandalwood, rose & frankincense
- Mabon - a cozy fall blend of vanilla, coffee, bergamot, & spices
- Samhain - a macabre blend of frankincense, spiced herbs & mulled cider
- Yule - a reverent blend of ginger, vanilla, nutmeg & spices
What is the Wheel of the Year?
The Wheel of the Year is a pagan calendar comprising the winter and summer solstices; vernal and autumnal equinoxes; and four midpoints bisecting each of these quarters.
The dates of these eight sabbats derive from the pre-Christian Celtic calendar, a solar-lunar ritual calendar dating from the second century that divided the year into eight roughly-equivalent seasonal sections.
Our premium, all-natural essential oil incense blends are the perfect accompaniment to these seasonal celebrations, all the way from Yule to Samhain.
For a complete overview of the history, traditions, and associations of each point on the Wheel of the Year, check out our blog post: .
Made from plants, not plastics.
Unlike most incense blends, ours contain only pure essential oils. that fill your home with airborne phthalates and parabens. Those endocrine disruptors can damage our body's natural hormone levels, causing all sorts of short and long term issues. Yuck!
We believe in keeping our waterways clean, as well as the air we breathe. Crafted without any chemical preservatives or synthetic fragrances, our incense sticks are made with bamboo-derived activated charcoal that purifies the air as you . The paint we use for the sticks is clay-based and 100% plant-derived.